One Year Ago…
Today marks the birthday of On August 5, 2010, was created and brought online to bring good content on virtualization to the wond...
Today marks the birthday of On August 5, 2010, was created and brought online to bring good content on virtualization to the wond...
Looks like VMware listened to all of the negative feedback and lashings they received from their customer base regarding the new vRAM Entitlement licensing m...
On July 27, 2011 VMware announced a new licensing purchase program dubbed the VMware Volume Purchasing Program or VPP for short. The VPP was created as a po...
I know that everyone is looking for a way to get a grip on the future license costs involved with going to vSphere 5 in the future. Rynardt Spies over at Vi...
While everyone was excited to hear about the next generation of the dominating hypervisor, one particular piece has held a cloud (no pun intended!) over the ...